Our Mission:

The Maryland Soccer Foundation (MSF) is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to providing sports and recreation programs and services, funding the operation of the Maryland SoccerPlex, Adventist HealthCare Fieldhouse, and SAM Soccer, and organizing or hosting events that create economic impact for the community through sports tourism.

Our History:

On January 21, 1999, the Montgomery County Planning Board approved a proposal to build a $19 million dollar soccer complex in Germantown, MD. This joint venture between the Maryland Soccer Foundation and the MNCPPC brought the first public-private partnership to Montgomery County to produce the largest premier recreational facility in the Washington Capitol Region. With its ideal location surrounding the MD/DC/VA region combined with its breathtaking landscape and architecture, the Maryland SoccerPlex immediately set itself apart from all others.

In October of 2000, the Maryland SoccerPlex opened for play with 19 irrigated fields, and the 48,000 square foot Discovery Sports Center, now known as the Adventist HealthCare Fieldhouse within the South Germantown Recreational Park. In 2008, 3 lighted synthetic turf fields were added to allow for more play through inclement weather. The 24-field dream was completed in 2016 with the addition of fields 1 and 2.

Never Stop Improving:

We continue to aim to improve our facility through the years. In 2023 we completed an 8-year project to equip all 21 natural grass fields with advanced drainage. The advanced drainage system will decrease the need to cancel or delay events due to inclement weather. We continue to experiment with new grass strains, transition fields to more draught and weather tolerant Bermuda grass and utilize the latest technology such as drone photography and heat mapping, soil data collection, and grow lighting systems.

In 2020, the Adventist HealthCare Fieldhouse polyurethane floor was resurfaced, and LED lighting was installed to enhance the experience for all who play in the Fieldhouse.  In 2024 all of the restrooms at the facility underwent a $900,000 renovation.
