Parent and Player Education

At SAM Soccer we aim to provide the tools to create great athletes on the field and off the field. Below are some free to you resources that offer information on important topics including how to fight bullying and hazing and how as a parent you can provide your child with positive environment to play soccer in.

    • US Center for Safe Sport is an organization that provides classes and resources regarding hazing, bullying, and misconduct during sports. There are multiple, free classes based on age to explain certain topics that are age appropriate. There are also classes for parents to help children continue to develop with their sport. To access the US Center for Safe Sport, click here.
    • JOIN THIS NOW – Soccer Parenting Association is an organization has a mission to “inspire players by empowering parents.” We are a proud partner of Soccer Parenting Association, which gives you, as a SAM Soccer Parent, access to the Soccer Parenting Association Resource Center! This center is full of articles, interviews, and courses to help you as a parent, provide your child a positive place to grow and have fun in the game of soccer. To access the Resource Center, click here and set up a free account courtesy of SAM Soccer!



Articles and Videos

Copy and paste some of the links to check out the helpful information:

Here are some articles and videos to help enjoy the sideline of your child`s game:

Referee Abuse: Its not your right.

The Comparison trap –  dont be this parent


Message from a GrassRoots Coach – Is this you?? Parents??


Do we need to win??

Why do so many coaches shout from the sideline??