Congratulations to our Fall 2024 League Winners. 

Age Group Team Name Division
2016 FC Lions 2016 1
2015 FC Lions 2015 1
2014 BA Red 2014 1
2014 DMV Wolfpack 2
2013 Eristars2013 Blue 1
2013 AVID Knights 2
2011/2012 Mousquetaires Boys U14 1
High School Mousquetaires Boys Varsity 1
2016 Generations FC 9UG 1
2015 Bethesda Pre ECNL 2015 1
2014 FCGB U11G – Red 1
2013 FCGB CoE 2013 Red 1

Click here to register for the Spring 2025 Season!

The SAM SELECT League is one of the premier leagues in the DMV. Play all your games on the pristine Maryland SoccerPlex fields all for one low fee. The fee is an all-inclusive fee, so no extra cost during the soccer season. What you get:

  • All field costs for an 8-game, 8-week season.
  • All games are at the prestigious Maryland SoccerPlex, ensuring consistent field size for all games and age groups.
  • All referee fees for all games
  • Player cards through our in-house carding system, are accepted at most local tournaments.
  • League management is accessible throughout the week and present on game days.
  • Multiple levels of competition within each age group to ensure an equal level of play for your team!
  • Free coaching education, player education, and parent education database are available to all teams and members.
  • MSYSA Player Fee & Insurance.
  • An athletic trainer is on-site for all Saturday and Sunday games.
  • A new Registration system through LeagueApps will make it easier to connect with your team and streamline the registration process.

NEW FOR SPRING 2025 – Use the copy button to copy your team or players from season to season. Simple and Easy.

Please note: Any registrations/team additions made after 12 noon on  March  26th will NOT be placed on teams until the following week, and will not be eligible to participate in the first weekend of games. Even registrations via invitation.

Team Fees  2024/25

Age GroupMax RosterTeam Fee
8U (2017)12$1,600
9U (2016)12$1,675
10U (2015)13$1,690
11U (2014)14$1,970
12U (2013)16$1,980
13U to 19U (2012-2006)18$2,450



Click here for a step-by-step guide on how to register your child

**If you’re having photo upload issues try this link to help resize the image or take a screenshot of the image and try again **

Step by Step Guide to adding or changing your headshot

Click Here  – Second option for adding/changing headshot

Please be aware: No Player can play without a player card or head shot connected to their registration/player card. If they do games will be forfeited by the team.

At SAM Soccer, we want to provide a fantastic experience for all players. We have specific rules and a code of conduct we ask all players, coaches, and spectators to abide by them. See both below:


Code of Conduct

Select League Rules

Side Line Behavior

As we continue to fight against poor sideline behavior by both coaches and parents towards referees of all levels, we are implementing a new standard. The referee will be assessing the coaches, the teams and spectator behavior during the game and will give it a score of 1 to 4. 1 – Good, 2 – Acceptable, 3 – Borderline, 4 – Poor

If any team/coach receives 4-Poor it is an automatic 1 game ban to the coach. If the team/coach receives two borderline scores it is a automatic 1 game ban. If this pattern continues the ban increases to 3 games and then banned for the season. The league at any time can ban or suspend a coach, assistant coach, team manager or spectator for any length of time.

Referee Feedback Form.


Refund Policy:

Will be minus $50 admin plus the following :

Refund amount before team acceptance 100%

Refund amount after team acceptance will be minus 20% of team registration fee.

Refund amount after the schedule is complete will be minus 50% of team registration fee.

Refund after schedule is posted will be zero (0%).

Financial Aid:

We offer full and partial grants to those who are in need of assistance. For Select teams, the grant amount is applied to the overall team fee. To learn more about how to apply, visit our financial aid page.

Important Dates:

November 2024 SELECT registration open
November 2024 Team Registration opens for SELECT – $500 deposit when registering
TBD TBD SAM Soccer Combine
More details can be found on our website –
March 3 SELECT Team Registration Deadline
March 7 SELECT Team Payment Deadline ( If you cannot pay in full then a payment plan will be put in place)
March 7 Team Payment or Whole team payment option (50% of what is left)
March 7 Scholarship Deadline SELECT
March 7 Game/Schedule request deadline
March 14 Final Payment Due Date
March 14 Practice Schedule Released
March 14 Game Schedule Released
March tbd Coaches Meeting/Clinic 4v4 and 7v7/ Mandatory new coaches meeting/Referee Meeting
March tbd Spanish Speaking Coaches Meeting
March 26  From 12noon- Registration closed until 3/31.  No new cards sent out until after 3/31
March 28, 29 and 30 First games of the season
April 8 Roster Frozen for SELECT Teams at 12noon. No more registrations at all.
April 18,19 and 20 No Games this weekend (Spring Break)
May 2, 3 and 4 Quiet Weekend for all SAM teams
MAY 9, 10 and 11 then 23,24 and 25 No Games these weekends ( MLS Next Tournament and Memorial Day)
June 8 Last day for all games


Looking to join a Select team or post a tryout announcement for your team? Click here to find out more info!
If you have any questions or if you need help with your registration, feel free to contact us at or call us at 301.528.1480. We will be happy to help.


SAM QUIET WEEKEND – May 2nd, 3rd and 4th (Weekend #5)

One weekend every season is set aside as the SAM Quiet Weekend. At games played on this weekend, all adults (coaches, parents, spectators) are asked to refrain from directing verbal communication to the players or the referee on the field. We have found that player to player communication happens more often and is more effective when players are left to their own devices and creativity. Because there are not multiple voices and instructions being directed at them, the players “figure out” the answer themselves, learning that tends to resonate more fully and be more deeply engrained in their memory. And, yes, Quiet Games tend to not have contentiousness between adults and referee, between the adults on each team, etc.

How Coaches and Parents Can Support the Fair Play Please Program

  • Encourage all members of your team’s families to support sportsmanship, fair play, and positivity at all games and practices.
  • Make some notes about your opponent at each of your games to help you make your nominations toward the end of the season.
  • Consider strategizing with the opposing coach at the beginning of each game about ways in which you can collaborate during the game to ensure that every player has success and finishes the match feeling good about their game experience that day.

We thank all the SAM families for helping to make our league the standard for great competition, AND great sportsmanship.


At SAM Soccer, we strongly believe in fair play and its importance within our programs. SAM Soccer’s Fair Play Please sportsmanship program is our way of recognizing and promoting that fair play. In recognition of the program, SAM Soccer was recently nationally recognized by the Soccer Parenting Association as a “club of winning culture”. The Fair Play Please sportsmanship program seeks to promote the values of sportsmanship, teamwork, and the good of the game. The goal of Fair Play Please is to recognize those teams (coaches, players and spectators) that demonstrate a high level of positive play and respect for others. We ask that all our SAM families do their share to make sportsmanship their highest priority.


At the conclusion of the season, coaches are asked to vote for the team that best exemplifies the values that the Fair Play Please program seeks to promote sportsmanship, teamwork, and positivity.


  • Every player on the winning team receives a SAM “Fair Play Please” gift.
  • The winning team’s coach will receive a recognition plaque.
  • Winning teams will be featured on our website and social media channels!

Spectator Behavior (IMPORTANT)

There is a new policy in Maryland (full details below), effective 8/1/2023, empowering referees to sanction coaches for poor spectator behavior. This applies to all YOUTH games under the jurisdiction of the Maryland State Youth Soccer Association (MSYSA).

The process to be used to carry out this authorization is as follows:

The sanction for irresponsible behavior by a spectator will be administered to the senior team coach present in accordance with Law 12, Disciplinary Action, Team Officials.

Some examples below.


1) Ignoring a request from an AR to move away from the touchline.

2) Non-exaggerated disagreement about referee or AR decisions

Caution (Yellow card)

1) Clear or continual disagreement or complaining about referee or AR decisions

2) Gesturing or verbal demand for yellow or red card

3) Acting in a provocative or inflammatory manner

Sending-Off (Red card)

1) Confronting the other team’s spectators

2) Throwing or kicking an object onto the field

3) Offensive, Insulting or Abusive language or actions

4) Violent Conduct

5) Physical or aggressive behavior including spitting


Don’t be the spectator that gets your coach carded or sent off!!



1. I will remember that children participate to have fun.
2. I will remember the game is for my child/children and not for me.
3. I will learn the rules of the game and the policies of the league.
4. I (and my guests) will be role model (s) for my child and show sportsmanship.
5. I promise to encourage my child and others in a positive manner.
6. I will show respect to the referees, the other team and parents before, during and after the game.
7. I will not use bad or inappropriate language, including racial slurs and/or abusive language.
8. I will teach my child to play by the rules and not engage in any unsportsmanlike conduct.
9. I will teach my child that doing his/her best is more important than winning.
10. I will praise my child for effort and not ridicule or yell from the sideline or in the car on the way home.
11. I will refrain from coaching my child (or others) from the sidelines unless as a designated coach.

12. I understand that, if a game is terminated as the result of misbehavior on a team, that game will be deemed a forfeit loss.

13. I will refrain from addressing the players on opposing teams other than to congratulate them for a game well played.



Training Field Rain Out Hotline is 301.579.5610 to view status or check out this website

Athletic Trainer Phone Line for any injuries 240.801.2006